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Fab Feb 2017
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 06 Feb 2017 08:36    Naslov sporočila: Fab Feb 2017 Odgovori s citatom

Prva tri tekmovanja za svetovni pokal v novem letu bodo potekala preko luže, v ZDA in bodo štela za rezultate iz 3 držav:
First three World Cup events in the new year will be held in the USA and will count as results from 3 countries:

Kiwi Cup of New Zealand, Feb 11-13, Lost Hills, California (USA), F1ABCPQE
North American Cup, Feb 15, Lost Hills, California (USA), F1ABCPQE
Bob White Max Men International, Feb 16-20, Lost Hills, California (USA), F1ABCPQE

Nazadnje urejal/a Bogdan 27 Feb 2017 07:16; skupaj popravljeno 5 krat
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 06 Feb 2017 08:46    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Two Weather Underground station links:

Nazadnje urejal/a Bogdan 09 Feb 2017 08:02; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 06 Feb 2017 14:30    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Štiričlanska SLO-CRO ekipa potuje v ZDA v četrtek. Računamo na dobro obveščanje, saj sta v njej letos dva malo bolj aktivna FB uporabnika Smile
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 07 Feb 2017 03:47    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Vse informacije o tekmovanjih v okviru Fab Feb-a najdemo na straneh SEN-a.
Full Fab Feb competitions info can be found on SEN pages.
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 09 Feb 2017 07:49    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Tisti, ki skrbijo za tekmovanja, opozarjajo na več posebnosti.
Those who take care about competitions posted several warnings (see below).

V Kaliforniji imajo letos več padavin kot običajno, organizatorji opozarjajo na nekoliko blaten dostop. Priporočajo naj udeleženci tekmovanj, ki ne poznajo terena, ne prihajajo v nočnem času, da ne bi slučajno z vozilom ostali kje v blatu.

Druga posebnost so menda čebele, ki v tem času že začenjajo opraševati drevje v bližnjih sadovnjakih, svetujejo previdnost in prilagajo navodila.

V zvezi s sadovnjaki dodajajo še opozorilo na previdnost pri vračanju modelov, če slučajno pristanejo na drevesih ali v sadovnjakih, predvsem prepovedujejo vzpenjanje na drevesa in vožnjo povprek po sadovnjakih, saj so med vrstami dreves razpeljane cevi za namakanje.

Originalna sporočila iz SEN-a:
Original mesages from SEN:


The Orchard and Bees
The trees have now grown to maturity so are too tall to retrieve a model at tree top without getting the loan of a pole from the organizer. Do not damage the trees , borrow a pole. Do not ride your bike or motor bike or drive your car or golf car between the trees. We now have more experience in working with the orchards so will probably fly more from the most Northern Flight Line, this will minimize flying into the trees.

Bees are needed to pollinate the trees. This year the pollination period for Almond Trees is expected to be just after we finish flying. The Lost Hills association works with the bee keeper to minimize the impact of bees on our events. But there always can be bees at Lost Hills. Remember that dark clothes are less attractive to bees and if you have issues with bee sting always take the appropriate medication.


Lost Hills Free Flight Model Airfield Association
Board of Directors

We would like to welcome all flyers attending the week long Fabulous February competition and remind you that we need to respect the orchards that are south and west of our flying field. The Owners have given us permission to ride our chase vehicles into the orchards without supervision. When you enter an orchard, only ride down the rows, which are defined by the plastic irrigation pipe. Please do not ride over the plastic pipe. If you go down the wrong row and your model is one or more rows away, park your chase vehicle and walk to the model. AT ALL TIMES, be careful not to step on the plastic irrigation pipe.

The trees are getting very tall. If your model lands in a tree DO NOT climb the tree to retrieve it. Again, the Owners have generously given us the opportunity to chase our models into their orchards. If we damage their trees in retrieving our models they will take away this important privilege.

The best way to remove a model from a tree is with a long pole with a hook on a piece of string. We now have a 26-foot long telescoping pole to help with retrieval. See the Contest Director for this pole.

If you drive over the plastic irrigation pipe or climb a tree, you will be immediately referred to the Jury for disciplinary action including immediate disqualification and removal from the field for the remainder of the week’s competition.

Please be prepared to move if the drift sends our models into the orchards. The area to the north (Cashin and Holloway) can be used and the flight line will be moved by the CD when needed.

One last item, please respect the speed limit on the dirt roads. We share the roads with the Holloway Gypsum Company. They have a speed limit posted on several of the roads in the area and we need to respect that posted speed limit of 20 mph.

Thank You and Have a Great Week!

Bill Booth
President LHFFMAA



Speed Limit: 20 MPH for all vehicles including chase vehicles on all roads.

Speed Limit: 10 MPH for all vehicles including chase vehicles in & near camping, parking and flying areas

Acceptable chase vehicles are motorcycles, quad cycles, golf carts, bicycles and similar vehicles.

Cars, trucks, vans or any other similar vehicles may be NOT be used to chase models across open fields at any time. If you must use this type of vehicle for fly away chases, you must stay on obvious roads.

No Moto-Flapping (Flapping on motorcycles or other motorized vehicles)

Do not park on roads unless directed to do so by Contest Management

Keep all passenger vehicles (cars, trucks, vans, etc.) minimum 100 feet from flight lines and flying areas

Passenger vehicles may be used to deliver & set up flight line equipment, but must be moved to designated parking areas no less than 10 minutes prior to round one, or prior to the start of the next round after the flight line has been moved.

Passenger vehicles may be used to pick-up flight line equipment:
10 minutes after the horn ending the final fly-off round for the day.
Immediately after the horn ending a round prior to moving the flight line.
Please keep all areas of the field including north and west flight line areas clean. Pick up and remove everything you bring including broken motors, model parts, food wrappers, etc. Leave your flying area cleaner than when you arrived.



Do not climb trees at any time for any reason. Ask Contest Director for telescoping pole and ladder.

Do not step on or drive across plastic irrigation piping in orchards.

Chase vehicles are only allowed to drive down open rows between and parallel to trees. Please ride as far away from trees as possible and if on foot, minimize walking across the irrigation pipes.

Under no circumstances shall passenger vehicles enter the orchard areas. Violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification and removal from the flying site.


Please READ the following and be prepared to share the field with some bees.

It isn’t something we like and the LHFFMAA has made every effort to distance the bees from headquarters and flying areas, but it is essential that we are good neighbors to the tree farmers and their bees. The bees are just as uncomfortable with us as we are with them, but they are a critical part of the pollination process for the trees in the surrounding orchards. Taking some basic precautions will go a long way to minimizing bee stings from happening. See CD or Headquarters if you need attention for a sting. In case of emergency always call 911.

If you start swatting at a passing bee, he is going to get mad and try to sting you. Remain calm and either move away slowly or stay put until the bee moves away.

If you don’t want a bee to confuse you with a pollen filled flower, avoid wearing bright colors.
Stick to clothes in tan, cream and white so you’ll easily be able to see when a dark insect lands on you.

Nothing deters a stinger like a layer of clothing. Wear long sleeved shirts and pants, socks and closed toe shoes. If you have long hair, pull it back and up. Bees think of hair as a ladder that will lead them to a banquet of exposed skin.

There is nothing like the smell of something rotten to attract bees. Make sure your trash is neatly contained in a place away from where you want to be. Keep doors & windows on all vehicles including RV’s, closed whenever possible. Open and handle outdoor containers with caution.

Bees love soft drinks, sweet tea and lemonade almost as much as you do. Avoid these drinks when outdoors. If you have to have that sugary fix, drink from an open glass or container so you can see a bee before you take a sip. Keep all containers tightly sealed and look carefully before you drink from a can.

Nazadnje urejal/a Bogdan 09 Feb 2017 08:05; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 09 Feb 2017 07:55    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Roger Morell je obiskal teren, ni bil prvi, opozarja na mokro zemljo, nove padavine so napovedane za petek, ki bo verjetno premaknil tekmovalni del na rezervni dan.
Lost Hills weather flash

I visited Lost Hills yesterday to put my trailer on the field. I was not the first ! that honor goes to Brian and Janna VanNest (+ Chloe of course) followed by the Mitchells from Oz. I did leave Igor Vivchar on the field in my trailer. I will be back tomorrow.

The road was a little slippery but notably the Mitchells were able to take their regular RV in.
Even in the short period I was on the field the entrance road dried out a little. The rain in the Lost Hills area was less than the recent rain in Los Angeles
So people need to take care when entering the field and if you are not familiar with the field do not enter in the dark.
There may be some rain on Friday and the forecast for the rest of the contest is good weather. So for the first event we may need to be flexible with the schedule and even use the alternate day. We may move the sign up off the field on the Friday if the conditions are not good.

Roger Morrell - SEN 2257
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 09 Feb 2017 08:50    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Tudi SLO-CRO-AUT ekipa (Roland, Matija, Leki, Igor in Reinhard) je na poti proti Kaliforniji (LA)...

Med postankom v Parizu
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Feb 2017 16:14    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Ekipa se je zbudila v deževno jutro. Matija pravi, da jim bo tako vreme prav prišlo, saj jim manjka spanca...

Our team has woken up in a rainy morning. Matija says they will use this weather, they need som additional sleeping.

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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Feb 2017 04:49    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Roger Morrell:
The Starting time for the first round of the Kiwi Cup is moved from 8 AM to 10AM to allow for extra time people who missed sign ups and to allow for adjustment of the flight line.

Razmere na terenu / Field conditions:

Fotos by Tiffaney O'Dell.

Nazadnje urejal/a Bogdan 11 Feb 2017 17:52; skupaj popravljeno 2 krat
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Feb 2017 07:06    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Za lažje preračunavanje - v Kaliforniji velja PST (Pacific Standard Time), časovni pas, ki je 9 ur za našim CET (Central European Time) = GMT -8 ur.
Če gledamo razpisane datume in čase moramo za občutek, kdaj se bo vse skupaj dogajalo po našem času prišteti +9 ur.
Če je začetek tekme razpisan za 8.00 AM, je to ob 8+9=17 ob petih popoldan istega dne. No, zadnji turnusi in popoldansko večerni flyoffi pa so običajno že zjutraj naslednjega dne po našem času.

Sonce vzhaja v teh dneh v Kaliforniji okrog 6:50 in zahaja okrog 17:30.

Po objavljeni spremembi se letošnji Kiwi Cup torej začne ob 19. po našem času in bo imel 7 turnusov v F1ABCPQ.

Originalni program tega tekmovanja:

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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Feb 2017 07:13    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Old friends meet again... Stari prijatelji so se spet srečali...

Foto: Jasna Pečenković
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Feb 2017 18:28    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Roger Morrell:
Kiwi Cup postponed to Sunday because of field conditions
Prvo tekmovanje v Izgubljenem gričevju je zaradi stanja na terenu prestavljeno na nedeljo.
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Feb 2017 19:38    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Stari prijatelji na prvem treningu na terenu / Old friends after first practice on the field.. Foto by Jasna Pečenković

Smo bili na ternu, veliko blata. Smo popravljali motor, za vracanje modelov...popoldne nazaj za kaki dve urici, sporoča Matija.

By Gilad Mark

Nazadnje urejal/a Bogdan 11 Feb 2017 20:34; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Feb 2017 20:27    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom


Na dijelovima gdje je teren visi nije tako strasno. Prilazni putevi su uzas. A i vjetar se pojacava. Prognoza je opet kisa, cetvrtak i petak.

Not horizontal areas are not so bad. Access roads are terrific. And the wind is strengthening. Forecast is rain again, Thursday and Friday.

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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 12 Feb 2017 15:21    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Kot poroča Matija, se včeraj zaradi vetra niso vrnili na teren. Danes se tekma začne ob 8.00 PST (17.00 CET), odpravljajo se na teren.
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