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CIAM - modelarska komisija FAI

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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 26 Apr 2012 11:14    Naslov sporočila: CIAM - modelarska komisija FAI Odgovori s citatom

V Lausanni je potekal sestanek CIAM. Po poročanju nemške spletne strani Thermiksense so za prosti let zanimivi zaključki tile:

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse für den Freiflug sind:
* An den Regeln für den Einsatz von RC für die Thermikbremse ändert sich nichts.
Pravilo o determi se ne spreminja

* Auf dem Modell darf nur noch die FAI-Lizenz-Nummer eines Sportlers stehen.
Na modelu je lahko le FAI-licenca enega tekmovalca

* Es muss die FAI-Lizenz-Nummer auf den Flügel, die nationale Nummer genügt nicht mehr.
Na modelu mora biti FAI licenca, ni dovolj le nacionalna številka

* Ab 2013 zählen 4 Weltcups, die in mindestens 2 Ländern geflogen werden müssen.
Od 2013 štejejo za uvrstitve v svetovnem pokali 4 tekmovanja, leteti pa je treba v najmanj dveh državah. - malo čudno pravilo, saj bi imelo rep in glavo le v primeru, da bi kdo uveljavljal le 3 rezultate iz ene države in ne četrtega (ne-evropske države imajo pravico do organizacije treh tekmovanj, če uveljavljaš še 4. rezultat je ta avtomatično iz 2. države). To pravilo dobi malo več smisla v primeru, da se štejejo države v katerih se dejansko leti, ne glede na to od kod je uradni organizator. Na ta način bi dobila drugačen status od današnjega tekmovanja, ki se organizirajo v tuji državi, lani, je bilo npr. v Ukrajini kar 6 tekmovanj za svetovni pokal, ki so štele za uvrstitve iz treh ali štirih držav. Tudi Mura Cup na Madžarskem bi dobil drugačen status ob taki interpretaciji. Počakajmo na uradno razlago.

* Die Meisterschaften 2014 sind
--- 12.-18.Juli 2014 F1ABP Junior World Champs, Salonta, Rumänien (im Nord-Westen von Rumänien, nahe der Ungarischen Grenze, north-west Romania, close to the Hungarian border, )
12.-18. julija 2014 bo svetovno mladinsko prvenstvo F1ABP v Salonti v Romuniji

--- 23.-29. Aug. 2014 F1ABC EM Senioren, Rumänien, gleiches Gelände wie bei der Junioren-EM, 4 x4 km Grasgelände
23.-29. avgusta 2013 bo evropsko seniorsko?? prvenstvo v Romuniji na istem terenu kot EP?? mladincev, 4x4 km travnate površine (malo čuden tekst)

* Bob Skinner (South Africa) wurde nach 4 Jahren nicht wieder gewählt. Neuer CIAM-Präsident ist Antonis Papadopoulos ( Greece)
Bob Skinner iz južne Afrike po 4 letih ni bil ponovno izvoljen, novi predsednik CIAM-a je Antonis Papadopoulos iz Grčije.

Nazadnje urejal/a Bogdan 04 Jan 2021 10:56; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 19 Apr 2016 08:38    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Objavljeno je bilo poročilo zadnjega letnega zasedanja CIAM.

Med drugim so določili kraje nekaj naslednjih tekmovanj prve kategorije, med njimi tudi:

mladinsko SP 2018 - Pazardžik, Bolgarija
EP 2018 - Szentes, Madžarska (enako, kot SP leto prej)

Med novimi funkcionarji stapostala vodji dveh podkomisij:
Space Modelling / Vesoljsko modelarstvo: Jose CUDEN (SLO) - čudno ime in priimek Smile
Education - Izobraževanje: Per FINDAHL (SWE)

Slovenski predstavnik je na tem mestu zamenjal Srdjana PELAGIĆa (SRB), ki se mu je CIAM zahvalil za 60-letno delovanje na področju letalskega modelarstva, 40-letno vlogo delegata pri CIAM in 20-letno predsedovanje podkomisiji za vesoljsko modelarstvo.

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PrispevekObjavljeno: 04 Maj 2016 09:27    Naslov sporočila: Povzetek poročila z letošnjega plenarnega zasedanja CIAM Odgovori s citatom

Povzetek poročila z letošnjega plenarnega zasedanja CIAM (tehnični odbor za prosti let se letos ni sestal), ki ga je pripravil Ian Kaynes, omenja nekaj točk, ki se nanašajo na prosti let.
Večini vsebinam sem dodal slovenski povzetek.

Poland had proposed raising the maximum age for juniors from 18 to 21, because some classes do not have enough juniors and because classes are difficult – all this justified by mentioning control line, scale and radio classes which only have juniors involved in championships as one extra to the regular 3-man team. No mention of the classes which have independent junior championships and are general healthier, like FF, space modelling and the radio HLG F3K. The Plenary vote was remarkably close – the proposal was defeated by 18 votes against with 17 votes in favour.
Poljaki so predlagali dvig maksimalne starosti za mladince z 18 na 21 - zavrnjeno.

The Control Line subcommittee had proposed raising the age limit to 25 just for control line. This was amended in their technical meeting to 21, like the Polish proposal. Although this applied just to control line, it was defeated more heavily than the other one – with 21 against and 15 in favour.

Belgium proposed that F1C starting poles should be at least 50m away from rubber or glider poles. This was accepted unanimously.
Sprejet je bil belgijski predlog, da so startna mesta za F1C vsaj 50 metrov vstran od startnih mest za gumenjake in jadralce.

Germany made two proposals about the rules on interruption of the contest. The first changes the responsibility for interruption from the jury to the contest director. This was accepted unanimously by Plenary. The other part proposed removing the part discussing return of entry fees and also the rule that results will be based on the scores of the finished rounds. This last removal was disliked by several people, leaving the scoring undefined, and it was withdrawn.
Predlog Nemčije, da se odgovornost za prekinitev tekmovanja prenese z žirije na vodjo tekmovanja, je bil sprejet, umaknjena pa sta bila predlog o odtranitvi dela, ki se nanaša na vračanje startnine in pravilo, da se za rezultate štejejo le dosežki dokončanih turnusov.

A proposal from the Netherlands was passed to change F1C rules on fuel to allow either castor oil or synthetic oil as chosen by the competitor. At championships the competitor will specify which lubricant he wants for the official fuel.
Na prvenstvih bo vsak tekmovalec v F1C lahko izbral kakšno olje (castrol ali sintetičmo) želi za uradno gorivo.

A proposal from Germany to revert the F1Q mass for energy calculation from 500g to 550g was opposed by a majority of the FF Subcommittee and Germany withdrew the proposal .
Nemci so umaknili predlog, ki je za izračune energije v F1Q predvideval vrnitev mase modela s 500 nazaj na 550 g.

A number of proposals from the Free Flight Subcommittee were accepted unanimously by Plenary:
Soglasno sprejeti predlogi:

a) Identification marking by championships organisers
– it was clarified that the organisers should only mark the model in one place – on the edge of the FAI sticker, and not make marks on each component of the model. This does not remove the requirement that they check that each part of the model has the required identification code.
Na prvenstvih bodo organizatorji svojo oznako ob pregledih modelov dodali na model le na enem mestu (na rob FAI nalepke) in ne več na vsak del modela.

b) Rewording the attempt definition for a part of the model becoming detached. The new wording for gliders is “It is apparent to the timekeepers that a part of the model becomes detached during the launch by the helper, while the model is being towed, or during the official flight time” and for other models “It is apparent to the timekeepers that a part of the model becomes detached during the launch or during the official flight time”.

c) To change the rule on extended maximum in open internationals for F1A to be the same as F1B and F1C, allowing the a maximum of up to five minutes.
Povečanje maksimumov na odprtih mednarodnih tekmovanjih je v F1A izenačeno s tistim v F1B in F1C in dovoljuje maksimalne čase leta do 5 minut.

d) To add a new clarification item to the end of the group flyoff rule 3.1.8.f “Competitors proceeding from group flyoffs to the later flyoffs will be classified only by times achieved in the later flyoffs after the group stages. The times in group stages do not count in their classification.
V izogib dvoumnostim pri določanju vrstnega reda tekmovalcev v skupinskih flyoffih je bilo dodano pojasnilo, da so tekmovalci v kasnejših flyoffih razvrščeni le po rezultatih po skupinskem delu. Časi iz skupinskega dela ne štejejo za njihovo uvrstitev.

e) World Cup points for places to be multiplied by 10 (500 for a win, 400 second place, etc) and to award one bonus point for every competitor a person has beaten.
Dosedanje točke za dosežena mesta v svetovnem pokalu se pomnožijo z 10 (500 za zmago, 400 za drugo mesto itd...), po ena dodatna (bonus) točka pa se dobi za vsakega premaganega tekmovalca.

f) The number of competitors in an event for World Cup points calculations will be the number of competitors completing a flight in the first round of the competition
Število tekmovalcev nekega tekmovanja za svetovni pokal je število tekmovalcev, ki opravijo let v prvem turnusu tekmovanja.

g) A revised FF organisers guide
A new CIAM General Rules volume was accepted as a replacement for the existing Volume ABR. There are few actual changes but a complete re-organisation of the numbering and location of items. Some specialised Free Flight only rules will not be in the new General Rules but transferred to the free flight volume F1. Like all the rule changes this will become effective in January 2017. An FFSC proposal to renumber the technical volumes with class designation instead of the current meaningless 3. Number before each paragraph met with complaints in Bureau and was referred to the Bureau.
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 30 Apr 2018 06:01    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Nemški Thermiksense poroča o sklepih letošnjega zasedanja CIAM, ki je potekalo minuli teden.
Änderungen im Sporting Code für 2019 und WM/EM 2020

Die Vollversammlung der CIAM hat am 27./28. April 2018 in Lausanne über die künftigen Austragungen von Freiflug-Welt- und -Europameisterschaften entschieden und hat über Änderungen im Sporting Code abgestimmt.
Für den Freiflug ergeben sich ab 2019 folgende Änderungen:

F1Q wird eine offizielle Klasse, da bedeutet aber noch nicht, dass eine WM/EM ausgetragen wird. Dies ist frühestens 2011 möglich - wenn es beschlossen wird.
Bei Durchgangsunterbrechungen kann ab 2019 flexibler entschieden werden, wie es weiter geht - z.B. dass ein Max mitgenommen werden kann.
Bei Wettbewerben Freiflug-Ebene kann ab 2019 der Veranstalter die Arbeitszeit auf 15 min begrenzen.
In F1E dürfen Wettersensoren nur in maximal 20 m Entfernung von der Startlinie aufgestellt werden - gilt schon für die EM 2018.
F1C und F1P werden in Weltcup-Wettbewerben nicht mehr gemeinsam gewertet.
Die Weltcup-Punkte-Vergabe wird geändert.
Alle anderen Änderungen sind nur Klarstellungen, keine wirklichen Änderungen.
Damit wurden alle Vorschläge des Freiflug-Unterausschusses, welche die reinen F1-Regeln betrafen, vom Plenum angenommen.

Ausserdem wurden in Lausanne die EM/WM für 2020 im Freiflug vergeben:

F1ABP Junior W/Ch Romania, F1D W/Ch Romania
F1ABC E/Ch Macedonia. F1E E/Ch Romania
Es hatte jeweils nur ein Angebot gegeben. Dort wo im Vorfeld mehrere Angebote vorlagen, hatte jeweils ein Land zurück gezogen. Frankreich hatte sich auch beworben, aber unter der Bedingung, dass Senioren und Junioren WM/EM gleichzeitig ausgetragen werden. Dies war aber von Ian Kaynes nicht akzeptiert worden.
Prevod 'prosto po Prešernu'.😁

Spremembe v športnem pravilniku za leto 2019 in SP / EP 2020

Generalna skupščina CIAM, ki je potekala 27. in 28. aprila 2018 v Lausanni je izbrala organizatorje prihodnjih svetovnega in evropskega prvenstva v letenju s prosto letečimi modeli ter glasovala o spremembah Športnega pravilnika.

Za prosti let bodo od leta 2019 veljale naslednje spremembe:

F1Q bo uradna kategorija, vendar to še ne pomeni, da se bodo organizirala svetovna/evropska prvenstva. To bi bilo najprej možno šele v letu 2011 (verjetno 2021), če bo tako odločeno.
Za prekinitve trkmovanja lahko od leta 2019 sprejmemo prožnejšo odločitev, kako nadaljevati - npr. da se lahko upošteva Max.
Na tekmovanjih s prostoletečimi modeli od leta 2019 naprej bodo organizatorji lahko omejevali delovni čas na 15 minut.
V kategorijah F1C in F1P se rezultati na tekmovanjih Svetovnega pokala ne točkujejo več skupaj.
Točkovanje Svetovnega pokala se spremeni.
Vse druge spremembe pravilnika so pravzaprav le razjasnitve določil, ne pa prave spremembe.
Tako so na plenarnem zasedanju sprejeli vse predloge pododbora za prosto letenje v zvezi s pravili glede F1.

Poleg tega so v Lausanni dodelili organizacijo EP / SP za leto 2020:

F1ABP mladinsko SP - Romunija, F1D SP - Romunija
F1ABC EP - Makedonija, F1E EP - Romunija

Pri vseh prvenstvih je bila le po ena ponudba. Kjer je bilo vnaprej več ponudb, je ena vsakič ena od držav umaknila kandidaturo. Francija jtudi kandidiral,vendar pod pogojem, da so bi seniorsko in mladinsko prvenstvo potekali istočasno. Tega ni sprejel Ian Kaynes.

Nazadnje urejal/a Bogdan 01 Maj 2018 19:44; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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Administrator foruma

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PrispevekObjavljeno: 01 Maj 2018 14:16    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Prosim vse ostale, da pustite Bogdana malo na miru.
Dokler ne objavi prevoda.....
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Jul 2018 11:35    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

No, v angleščini je celoten zapisnik zadnjega zasedanja CIAM-a tule:

Če se komu da brati Smile
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 06 Mar 2019 07:35    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

iz SEN 2559:

Text by Ian Kaynes

Extract from Free Flight News with minor editing to fit SEN

This describes the proposals submitted for consideration at the
April 2019 CIAM Plenary meeting. . Comments about
the proposals should be sent to your national CIAM delegate.
The full agenda can be downloaded by going to
then expand the item Meetings-CIAM,
then 2019 then expand the Plenary meeting sub heading and
the agenda is the first item under that (the
web site is not very user friendly!).

The decisions on the proposals will be made at the Plenary
meeting on April 5 and 6, preceded by a Bureau meeting on
April 4 and a Free Flight Technical meeting on the morning of
April 5.

Free Flight Volume F1
These are the proposals for changes to the Free Flight Volume

F1C timing
The USA have submitted two linked proposals for F1C. One
adds to the Characteristics 3.3.2 that “F1C must use an
electronic timer(s) to control the functions of the model upon
release for flight.” The other replaces item (c) of the Timing
section 3.3.9 (which requires the motor run to be timed by two
timekeepers with stopwatches) by “The motor run will be
certified by demonstration of the timer setting to the

Flyoffs in Open Internationals
Add new section F 1.1.4 Additional Flights in Open
Internationals. This describes when special flyoffs are permitted. And has the text that describes the rules for DT flyoffs and altitude flyoffs

Extend F1S rules to allow RDT.

F1E Working Time

This proposal adds the sentence “It is not allowed for a proxy
to hold a place in the line for the competitor before the
competitor himself has reached the end of the line.” to the end
of the F1E working time in F1.1.3(c).

CIAM General Rules

The following gives an indication of the more general
proposals including any with a potential to impact free flight.
UK propose to increase championships teams in F2 Control
Line from three plus one junior to three plus two juniors. This
has no impact on free flight

Finland propose to add a female team member to all teams and
also an additional junior to make a 5-person team. This
includes free flight - even though we have separate junior
championships it would still add a junior to all championships
teams. It acknowledges the junior championships by specifying
that the teams at these be increased to 4 if they include at least
one female junior. The reason does not justify the
discrimination or additional size of the events.

France makes a similar proposal to add an additional female
team member and an additional junior team member, but the
addition of the junior is only for those classes which do not
have separate junior championships (i.e the junior addition
does not apply to free flight but the additional female member
does apply for free flight).

UK propose that when the Plenary meeting makes decisions on
the location of Continental Championships then only delegates
from countries in that continental region may vote.

Championships Bids

The 2021 Championships will be awarded at the Plenary
meeting, Current bids are:

2021 F1ABC World Champs France, Mongolia, Romania
2021 F1E World Champs Romania
2021 F1ABP Junior European Champs Bulgaria, France,
Romania, Russia
2021 F1D European Champs Romania

Note that the French bids for ABC World Champs and ABJ
Euro Junior Champs are conditional on receiving both events,
which will be run together.

Mongolia have also submitted a bid for the 2020 F1ABC
Asian-Oceanic Championships

So do what Ian suggests – Read the details and talk with your country rep.
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 07 Mar 2019 13:00    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Besedilo predloga Podkomisije CIAM za F1 glede DT Flyoffa:

b) F1.1.4 Additional Flights in Open Internationals
Insert new paragraph F1.1.4:
F 1.1.4 Additional Flights in Open Internationals
In the specification of each outdoor free flight class a procedure is defined for
additional flights to decide the individual placings when there is a tie. The
maximum flight time is increased for each additional flight subject to
conditions. This procedure must be followed at Championships and should be
followed at Open Internationals.
At Open Internationals the organisers sometimes have a problem completing
this regular procedure. For exceptional reasons of strong winds, poor
visibility, inadequate field space, or unavailability of the field for continuation
on the following day, Open Internationals may use a non-standard additional
flight procedure for all outdoor F1 classes except F1E with the following
a) A non-standard procedure must be used ONLY for these exceptional
reasons of strong winds, poor visibility, inadequate field space, or
unavailability of the field for continuation on the following day.
b) If a “DT flyoff” is specified it should follow:
i) The procedures for a regular additional flight for the class are followed
ii) Models to be used for these flights should have a dethermalisation
action of tilting the wing or tailplane by an angle of at least 40 degrees
from the horizontal axis of the model
iii) A time at which models should dethermalise is defined. This time
should be at least 90 seconds
Agenda of the 2019 CIAM Plenary Meeting – Issue 1
Agenda Item 14 Sporting Code Proposals Page 16 F1 – Free Flight
iv) Models must dethermalise at or before the specified flight time. If the
model has not dethermalised by the defined time then a zero time is
v) The flight is timed to the end of the flight
c) An “altitude flyoff” may be specified when F1 altimeters have been
approved by CIAM EDIC:
i) The procedures for a regular additional flight for the class are
ii) A maximum flight time is defined which should be at least 90 seconds
iii) The flight is timed a up to the maximum time
iv) For all competitors attaining the maximum flight time, the altitude of
the model at the maximum flight time is read from the altimeter and
for scoring purposes this value is rounded to the nearest metre.
v) The individual placings are determined by the highest altitudes for all
flights attaining the maximum, followed by time order.
vi) Equal altitudes are considered to be a tie, which may be resolved by
another additional flight.

Reason: In some circumstances, such as strong winds, poor visibility, or
unavailability of field for a flight on the next morning, open internationals have held
non-standard flyoffs to determine the winner. Sometimes these have been imposed
at a late stage and without clear details defined. It is recognised that there are a few
circumstances when conditions do not allow the regular additional flights procedure.
Guidance for DT flyoffs are given with the aim of avoiding some of the variability of
this procedure. It is acknowledged that DT flyoffs differ from regular free flight
performance but their application is limited to being an option when conditions are
exceptional. Also presented is the possibility of determining the places by altitude
at the end of a short flight. This would reward the combination of launch height and
height gain during the glide. This is a future possibility when F1 altimeters have
been approved by EDIC and are readily available to competitors. F1E is excluded
because of the ease of varying flight times by choice of launch position.
Besedilo predloga ZDA glede merjenja časa v F1C:

c) 3.3.9 Timing
F1C: Replace the text in 3.3.9 c) as shown:
Staro besedilo:
3.3.9. Timing
c) The motor run must be timed by two timekeepers with quartz controlled
electronic stopwatches with digital readout, recording to at least 1/100 of a
second. The motor run is determined as the average of the two registered
times, and this average is reduced to the nearest 1/10th of a second below.
Predlog novega besedila:
c) The motor run will be certified by demonstration of the timer setting
to the timekeeper(s).

Reason: Since the rule change to require F1C models to have a radio control
dethermalizer system was implemented, and with the new rule (effective 1/1/2020)
requiring a remote engine shutoff, most F1C sportsmen are utilizing electronic
timers. Thus they have the ability to set a precise duration for the engine run which
does not vary. However, since the engine run is currently evaluated by the sound of
the engine stopping, and given the time the sound takes to reach the timekeeper(s)
from the model, sportsmen must set the timer to approximately 3.4 seconds. But by
demonstrating the setting on their electronic timers to the timekeeper(s), it is
possible to utilize the full 4 second engine run allowed. Perhaps more importantly, it
removes the burden on the timekeepers of timing engine runs (especially important
when dealing with inexperienced timekeepers and multiple engines running at the
same time).

d) 3.3.2 Characteristics of Model Aircraft with Piston Motor(s) F1C
F1C: Consequence of the above proposal. Insert the following text:
F1C models must use an electronic timer(s) to control the functions of the
model upon release for flight.

Reason: Electronic timers will be necessary to meet the requirements of the
accompanying 3.3.9. Timing proposal.
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 12 Apr 2019 08:00    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

From SEN 2568

By Ian Kaynes – From Free Flight News*

The CIAM meetings held in Lausanne were Bureau meeting on April 4 followed by the Plenary meeting on April 5 and 6.
The Free Flight Technical Meeting (FFTM) was held on the first morning of the Plenary meeting and the results of that presented to the Plenary meeting on the second day when the national delegates vote on each proposal.

The FFTM was attended by
Jari Valo Finland Delegate
Hugo Desloges Bazice France Observer
Pierre Chaussebourg France SC member
Jean Paul Perret France Alternate delegate
Bernard Schwendemann Germany SC member
Andras Ree Hungary 3rd VP, delegate, SC
Ron Masnikov Israel Alternate delegate
Cesare Gianni Italy SC member
Ioana Dumitru Romania Delegate
Mihai Paul Marian Romania Alternate delegate
Per Findahl Sweden SC member
Christoph Bachmann Switzerland SC member
Jakub Drmla Slovakia Delegate
Ian Kaynes UK SC Chairman
Chuck Etherington USA SC member

I was re-elected as chairman of the FF Subcommittee.
The results of the discussions and conclusions will be described for each topic: Rule changes which were accepted will be effective from January 1 2020. The proposals were described in the January FFn

F1E Working time

The proposed change about queue etiquette was agreed unanimously both at FFTM and at Plenary


The proposed change to allow Radio DT in F1S (E36) was agreed unanimously both at FFTM and at Plenary.

Flyoffs at Open Internationals

The proposal which had been made by a narrow majority of the FFSC was considered to be unpopular for all the usual questions about DT flyoffs – how to try to standardise “normal” DT or whether to allow the option of specialised slow descent DT models by trim or design. The FFTM repeated these concerns and so it was proposed to remove the DT flyoff part but retain the option of measuring altitude after a certain time when approved altimeters are available. This modification was agreed by the FFTM with the flight time changed to be at least 2 minutes (instead of at least 90 seconds in the original proposal). The intention was that this would give a future option for deciding results on those occasions when conditions prevented a regular long flyoff.

Altimeters are already in use in space models and the latest ones weigh about 1 gram and need only a tiny battery and give adequate recording time for free flight use. They normally use a start of flight detection for space models (when altitude has suddenly changed from a steady value) which would need an over-ride for F1A to allow the altimeter to start recording before towing. A specification of altimeters for free flight has been drafted and released (see later in this CIAM report).
The Plenary meeting approved the modified proposal is: F1.1.4 Additional flights in Open Internationals
In the specification of each outdoor free flight class a procedure is defined for additional flights to decide the individual placings when there is a tie. The maximum flight time is increased for each additional flights subject to conditions. This procedure must be followed at Championships and should be followed at Open Internationals.
At Open Internationals the organisers sometimes have a problem completing this regular procedure. For exceptional reasons of strong winds, poor visibility, inadequate field space, or unavailability of the field for continuation on the following day, Open Internationals may use a non-standard additional flight procedure for all outdoor F1 classes except F1E with the following conditions:

a) A non-standard procedure must be used ONLY for these exceptional reasons of strong winds, poor visibility, inadequate field space, or unavailability of the field for continuation on the following day.
b) An “altitude flyoff” may be specified when F1 altimeters have been approved by CIAM EDIC:

i. The procedures for a regular additional flight for the class are followed
ii. A maximum flight time is defined which should be at least two minutes
iii. The flight is timed up to the maximum time
iv. For all competitors attaining the maximum flight time, the altitude of the model at the maximum flight time is read from the altimeter and for scoring purposes this value is rounded to the nearest metre.
v. The individual placings are determined by the highest altitudes for all flights attaining the maximum, followed by time order.
vi. Equal altitudes are considered to be a tie, which may be resolved by another additional flight.

F1C Motor run timing

The USA had proposed to replace timing of motor runs in flight by demonstration of timer settings on the ground. Discussion in FFTM centred on how well a timer setting could be demonstrated and reproduced as far as the timekeepers could tell. This could be either telling the position of a mechanical timer or understanding a setting shown on an electronic timer.

A following proposal was to force electronic timers to be used, which, in any case, is likely to result from the agreed change for 2020 requiring radio DT to include stopping the motor. Some doubts were expressed about prescribing a particular form of timer. The FFTM voted against both changes. One option developed after the FFTM was to change the ground run demonstration to be an option instead of flight timing rather than making it mandatory. However, the president did not accept a change which had not been considered by the FFTM.

The original proposal was put to the Plenary vote and it was defeated 5 in favour, 20 against. The proposal for forcing eelectronic timers was then withdrawn.

Women in championship teams

France and Finland had submitted proposals to increase championships teams with the optional addition of a fourth team member so long as there was at least one woman in the team. This had already been done in the drone World Championship held in China at the end of last year, and the change was strongly advocated by the FAI Secretary General Susanne Schodel, who was a glider flyer and quoted the not entirely relevant comparison that gliding had completely separate championships specifically for women.
Many in free flight had expressed the view that selection of a team should not be discriminatory, including some of our lady flyers saying that they would only want to be selected for a team on ability.

The proposal from France was suitable for application to free flight teams which are always 3 people as standard. However, some other categories, which do not have separate junior championships, already have an option fourth member if they are a junior. The proposal from Finland forced this solution by including both an extra person if junior and another if a woman. There would be awards for juniors and for women according to their positions in their subdivision as well as counting in the overall classification. This could lead to having a junior champion from a “senior” championship and next year having another junior champion from the regular junior championship. This confusion of the Finnish proposal came to be significant because France withdrew their well-worded proposal in favour of that from Finland! With a promise that it should include differences for junior championship events, their proposal was passed by 18 votes in favour 12 against.

The Plenary then moved on to the proposals for awards for women. Discussion included asking whether woman was the right term when this carries an implication of maturity but was being also applied for junior events. It was asked if the proposal was appropriate in awarding a gold medal even if there was only one woman competing. Then the question was asked about whether trans-gender should also be added. At this point it was decided to refer the wording and the awards to the Bureau for consideration. It appears that implementation of the basic change of team constitution will be delayed until after the awards have been sorted out.

A proposal from France was to add a subdivision result for women in open international results when at least three women participate in an event. This was passed by the Plenary, and is comparable to the current way in which a junior sub-listing is produced.

Voting on Continental Championships

The UK had proposed that only countries in the same continent should vote when deciding the venue for a continental championships. The FFTM recommended that the general principle of only voting on matters which concerned the country be re-introduced, including not voting on proposals for classes not flown in that country. This was not adopted and the UK proposal was rejected by Plenary vote.

Model Identification

Traditionally models were marked with large letters on the wing showing the 3-letter code identifying the country and their national identification number. The number became Sporting Licence number and then 3 years ago, to accommodate those countries which change Licence number each year, the alternative of the unique FAI identification number was introduced.
The Bureau proposed to this meeting that the alternatives be dropped and the only option for the number would be the FAI Identification number to be effective from 2021.

The FFTM considered that a longer time should be allowed before this became mandatory and the Plenary accepted the proposal with the date amended to 2022.As well as giving more time for marking models, I hope that the “unique” FAI Identification number will have become more unique by then. Every year there has been a number of people allocated a new number when their NAC have entered them as new licences without giving the previously allocated number. I was told that the system is being improved to reduce these problems, but I have seen no evidence of any improvement in the licence renewals during 2019, with a typical proportion of these having been given new numbers.
Always give your FAI ID number to your NAC when renewing your FAI licence and if they renew it with a new number request them to correct it.


The venues of Championships are decided two years in advance, so this Plenary meeting awarded the events for 2021.

There were bids from France, Mongolia and Romania for the 2021 F1ABC World Championships.
The bid from France was unusual in that it was conditional on also being awarded the Junior European Championships which would be run in conjunction with the senior championship. The intention was to give the juniors exposure to a major competition. There was some doubt about how this combination would work. The proposal put forward was for two extra flying days – one for F1A junior and the other for F1B+F1P Junior – and by cutting down on preparation and reserve days the overall duration was only a little longer than usual. The publicity of this feature of the French bid obviously helped their cause and this was further aided by the presentation by Myriam Morandini. Mongolia’s case was not helped by having nobody to present it in person and was probably weakened by the fact that it would be another event outside of Europe following this year’s event in USA. Romania withdrew their bid and the voting gave 31 to France and 7 to Mongolia, so a very clear win for France. Mongolia have agreed to resubmit their bid for 2023.

There was only one bid for the F1E World Championships and for the F1D European Championships. These were both from Romania and were accepted.

Mongolia was awarded the 2020 Asian-Oceanic Championships, as the only bidder for this event, which had not been allocated last year.

The available details of the Championships follow.

2021 F1ABC World Championships and F1ABP Junior Euro Championship

The event will be at Moncontour on the farm fields near St Jean de Sauves, like the 2013 World Championships.

Time keeping will be by students of an engineering college, with the promise that they will be trained before the championships.

The preliminary schedule is
Sat Aug 14 Arrival, registration opening ceremony
Sun Aug 15 Practice and model processing
Mon Aug 16 F1A competition
Tue Aug 17 F1A Junior competition
Wed Aug 18 F1B competition
Thu Aug 19 F1B+ F1P Junior competition Fri Aug 20 F1C competition
Sat Aug 21 reserve day, awards and closing ceremony, banquet
Sub Aug 22 Departure

There may be World Cup events adjacent to the Championships but these are not yet defined.
Entry fees are €300 for senior competitors and team manager,
€260 for junior competitors and team managers of juniors, €50 helpers, €15 supporters.

2021 F1E World Championships

This will be at Turda, Romania, from August 25 to 28.
Entry fees are €300 for seniors, €250 for juniors, and €50 for helpers.

2021 F1D European Championships

These will be in the Slanic salt mine from March 16 to 20.
Entry fees are €350 for seniors, €250 for juniors, and €60 for helpers.

2020 F1ABC Asian-Oceanic Continental Championships

These will be at the usual Mongolian flying site from July 22 to 26.

Provisional Rules

Traditionally rules which were not intended ever to have Championship status have stayed as “provisional rules” and the move to “Official” was only made when it was aimed to be able to have championships in the class. The CIAM President has said that provisional implies temporary and this category will be used only for new rules which are being developed. The existing provisional rules should move to official if they are in use including CIAM competitions and other less used rules be classified as unofficial. The unofficial rules will appear in an Annex of the technical volume of the Sporting Code and would be administered by the Subcommittee without reference to Plenary.

Most of the free flight classes, such as F1G and F1H, will move to official with some lesser used ones such as F1K (CO2) might become unofficial.

Electronic Devices in Competition (EDIC)

The EDIC committee was established by CIAM to define the requirements for electronic devices used in competition. Most applications have been for F5 (Electric model) categories covering various energy and altitude limiting devices. They have also covered altimeters used in space models.

When the rule allowing altimeters to provide evidence of flight time in flyoffs was passed by CIAM the instruction was given to have the devices approved by EDIC. I have worked with the F1SC and with Paul Newell, who was chairman of EDIC until recently, to develop requirements for the altimeters and also expanded to cover F1Q energy limiters and a consideration of future systems for automated timing of flights.

The initial document “EDIC in Free Flight” has been released and is available on the CIAM website. It can be found under Documents at the bottom of the free flight page

It is split into three sections. EF1 covers altimeters, the requirements for which have been expanded to include the accuracy of altitude measurement. This was not needed for the initial application to flyoff timing, but is required for any future use which has altitude as a measure of performance such as the new altitude flyoff.

EF2 covers the energy limiters for F1Q. This has been through various iterations with questions about architecture and the involvement of the timers. The present version reflects the currents rules on architecture. There has been questions about also covering a static energy tester (SET) which is included in the rules for checking energy limiters. Ideally, accuracy of approved energy limiters would remove the need for such testing, but until that is reached a SET can be used as a comparative device and would be the same for each competitor in a competition.

The final section of the document (EF3) is of rather different character. It is a speculative consideration of the issues which will be involved in a flight time recording system, for which a lot of future work will be needed before a definition is reached.
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 20 Nov 2020 07:27    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom


The Plenary Meeting of the FAI Aeromodelling Commission (CIAM) took place online on 14 November 2020.

Traditionally, this event is held in March or April at the FAI Secretariat; previously in Paris, France, and now in Lausanne, Switzerland. This year was to be no different, but the COVID-19 outbreak decided otherwise.

Nobody could have predicted such disruption, which explains the absence of a Plan B. This year, the CIAM Plenary could not take place as usual. Other Air Sports Commissions faced this unique situation with equal difficulties.

The CIAM Bureau carefully assessed the situation. It was important not to cancel or postpone the annual meeting, but to find a way to proceed differently while achieving the same results. Of course, nothing will ever replace face-to-face meetings and the opportunity to meet each other in person. However, instead of doing nothing, the Bureau decided to make use of the available technology to hold the meetings. For this purpose, the Bureau chose an electronic platform that provides the tools for the conference, elections and voting.

The Bureau had to resolve many issues. The main one was the time difference around the world and how to ensure a wide participation of delegates and observers. With that in mind, the Bureau decided to schedule all the Technical Meetings and the Plenary Session during weekends, when most people are at home.

The new web page was the core of the plan. It contains all the information available to the delegates prior to the event, and the decisions and the videos taken during the meetings. It will be available for several months.

We also ran elections for the Bureau, nominations and votes for the Sporting Code proposals.

Beside the decisions about the Sporting Code during the Plenary Meeting, important topics were also discussed such as:

- The future of CIAM-sanctioned events for 2021, in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. Communication between the involved parties (CIAM Bureau, Organisers and NACs) will be taking place until the end of the year. We hope not to have to consider cancellations for 2021 as well.
- A provision for all the Juniors who missed the opportunity to participate in competitions in 2020.
- The new rules about UAVs are affecting aeromodelling activities directly or indirectly. Authorities around the world communicate with each other, but not with CIAM. This means that different decisions are implemented in different places for the same matter. CIAM will take charge of the coordination to improve communication between all parties
- A decision was made to find a way to collect results of all the World or Continental Championships organised by CIAM from the early years. A dedicated web page will be created to honour the CIAM History and Heroes forever.
- In total, close to 15 hours were spent during the scheduled meetings. Forty-six NACs participated and over 100 delegates, experts, or observers attended the various meetings.

- 2020 CIAM Plenary Meeting - Awards winners
- 2020 CIAM Plenary Meeting - Revised Events for 2021
- [url=]2020 CIAM Plenary Meeting - Bureau Members[/url]

Article written by CIAM President Antonis Papadopoulos

Nazadnje urejal/a Bogdan 20 Nov 2020 08:18; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 20 Nov 2020 07:34    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Awarded 1st Cat. events:

2021 World Championships
F1A, F1B, F1P Free Flight Juniors - FRANCE, Moncontour 14 – 21 August
F1A, F1B, F1C Free Flight Senior - FRANCE, Moncontour 14 – 21 August

2022 World Championships
F1A, F1B, F1P Free Flight Juniors - BULGARIA 25 - 30 July

2022 European Championships
F1A, F1B, F1C Free Flight Senior - NORTH MACEDONIA, Prilep, 16 - 20 August

Nazadnje urejal/a Bogdan 20 Nov 2020 08:25; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 20 Nov 2020 07:50    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Official documents from CIAM

Agenda item 17.1 CIAM Bureau Decision for 2021 World Cup Events

Dear friends,
CIAM Bureau met via zoom last Sunday and discussed about the future of CAT2 events for
2021. Our main priority is the public health and the COVID-19 pandemic is still causing a lot
of problems around the world.
Last year we decided to cancel all World Cup events but then in June we offer the opportunity
to the organizers to host Open International events if they so wish. Only few of them did so
since the restrictions were not lifted and travelling even by car was not allowed between many
countries. Most of the organizers decided to postpone the events for 2021 and they contacted
World Cup coordinators in order to schedule the new dates. Still there are events postponed
with no new dates defined, since the pandemic as it stands right now is causing uncertainty to
all of us.
During our meeting on Sunday, we decided not to include on the calendar any World Cup
event scheduled to happen before March 1st. This is standing for all disciplines and all classes
with World Cup status.
According to the rules the deadline for registering a World Cup event to the calendar is
November 15th. But as we are running under extraordinary circumstances, CIAM Bureau
decided to extend the deadline for one month, ie December 15. This includes also the
sanction fees payment.
During this prolonged period the organizers will be able to better evaluate the situation and in
cooperation with the World Cup coordinators, they will fix the dates for the postponed events
or in case there are new events they will use the existing forms and after filling them they will
send them to the email
The CIAM Bureau will meet again in December and we will evaluate the situation and decide

Agenda item 17.2 CIAM Bureau proposal for 2021 Events
Juniors participation

1 Proposal CAT 1 juniors
The Junior age limit specified in C.5.1 be increased by one (1) year for participation in CAT 1 events
which were postponed from 2020 to 2021. This applies to:
World Championships
Junior events in F1D, F1A, F1B, F1P, F3J, Space Models
4th team member junior in F2A, F2B, F2C, F2D, F3F, F4CH, F5B
European Championships
Junior event in F5J
Reason: For some of the junior competitors who were preparing to participate in the 2020
Championships these would have been their last championship as a junior. In the case of the
Championships which have been postponed from 2020 to 2021 the change of rule will allow them to
continue to compete in the 2021 Championships concerned.

2 Proposal World Cup juniors
The Junior age limit specified in C.5.1 be increased by one (1) year for participation in Junior World
Cup events in 2021. The classes with specific World Cups status for Juniors are F1A, F1B, F1P, F1E.
Reason: To allow a last Junior World Cup for the competitors who were in their final year as a junior
in 2020.

My personal note:
From the video recording of CIAM meeting (this theme starts at 2:52:20) we can understand that the junior age limit increase is supposed to be added as a local rule of competitions, there will be no change in Sporting code rules.

Link to video:!AilYfq3_XZAXguNUzW5ZaznR4jNg1w?e=ENC6C5

Nazadnje urejal/a Bogdan 20 Nov 2020 13:12; skupaj popravljeno 3 krat
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 20 Nov 2020 08:23    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

2020 CIAM e-meeting proposals and voting results:

Nazadnje urejal/a Bogdan 04 Jan 2021 12:38; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 04 Jan 2021 08:43    Naslov sporočila: Free flight proposals for CIAM plenary meeting in April 2021 Odgovori s citatom


The following are details of all the free flight proposals for the 2021 Plenary meeting. I have not yet seen the proposals for change to the CIAM General Rules, there may be some in that section which impact free flight. Details will follow later.

If you have any comments on the following, please wait for publication of the official agenda to confirm details and then express your views to your national CIAM delegate.

Proposal from Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany on F1A launching
3.1.4 add 3.1.5.g to list of attempts for which zero time is recorded
3.1.5 Add :
(g) The competitor falls during the process of releasing of the model from the cable to the extent that parts of the competitor’s body other than the feet come into contact with the ground (jumping allowed).
3.1.12 Change:
a) The competitor must be standing, walking or running on the ground when releasing the model from the cable and must operate the launching device himself (jumping allowed).
b) All freedom of action and movement is permitted to allow the best use of the cable, except throwing of the launching device.
c) The model must be released to initiate tow within approximately 5 metres from the starting position marker.

More and more F1A sportsmen can be seen throwing themselves to the ground when launching their models to generate additional line pull, model speed and therefore altitude of the model to increase flight performance. Tests have shown that line pull can exceed 40 kgf during this stage. The risk of the towline breaking is the highest during this falling down stage as the line pull is highest of all tow phases. This high line pull reduces the impact of the body on the ground. However if the towline breaks and, as one but frequently both hands are holding the towline, the sportsman cannot break the fall with the hands. The head, which is one of the heaviest part of the human body, will hit the ground hard. This may lead to injury like concussion etc., in particular if the head hits a hard object like a stone, rock, dried clay or road, which are commonplace on most of the fields where competitions are flown. Several injuries (head, shoulder, elbow, back) have already been reported by sportsmen. This proposal forces the sportsmen to stand up during the launch, thereby preventing injury.

Bonus effects: Since the launch altitude will be reduced by up to
10 metres, flight performance is reduced. No changes in model design are required.

F1B flyoff Proposal from FFSC

To remove the option to have one motor would before the start of a flyoff round.
Change 3.2.8( c ):
The organiser will establish a 7 minute period during which all fly-off competitors must wind their rubber motor and launch their model. Within these 7 minutes the competitor will have the right to a second attempt in the case of an unsuccessful attempt for an additional flight according to para
3.2.5. Starting positions will be decided by a draw for each fly-off.

When the flyoff period for F1A F1B F1C was reduced to 7 minutes, F1B flyers were given the option of winding a motor before the start of the 7 minute period. This has been difficult to control and has been open to different interpretations. It is proposed to forbid winding motors before the start of the flyoff rounds, in exactly the same way that winding motors is not allowed before the start of the basic official flights. While this gives a reduced launch period compared to F1A and F1C, there is no relationship between the classes and the rule will be uniform for all F1B flyers.

F1C Poland proposal
Proposal for an F1C Junior category with additional restrictions
3.3.2 Characteristics of F1C
Additional requirements for Juniors models:
Gearing between engine shaft and propeller is not allowed. Variable geometry (e.g. folding wing) and/ or variable airfoil camber (e.g. flaps) is not allowed.

1. Class F1P does not allow a smooth transition to F1C
2. Class F1P with its technical rules is an archaic one. Results a small number of juniors – 16 in 2018 FAI Junior WCh,
3. During the course of juniors there is no need to build from a scratch or to invest in other models (just replace an engine and readjust a model) - to increase a number of young players competing.
4. Currently, the clubs and F1C competitors have a large amount of good equipment (shorter tail booms, larger fins), built in the 90s, which is suitable for use by juniors.
F1.3.1, F1.4.1, ANNEX 1, ANNEX 2 Poland proposal This proposal, which I will not reprint here, removes mention of F1P in many places and proposes changing back to a provisional class in support of their proposal to use their new limited F1C models for the junior power championship. I assume that they have also made a proposal to change the General Rules where it lists the classes for World Championships.

F1D France proposal

This proposal suggests allowing half motor in F1D Open internationals for CAT 1 and 2.
Add at end of 3.4.2:
For Open Internationals (not Championships) in category 1 (less than 8m) and category 2 (from 8 to 15 m) sites, the organiser may specify that the rubber motor (0,4g) must be replaced by a rubber motor of 0,2g and a spacer (free length but minimum weight 0,2g). This must be announced in advance in the competition bulletin.
The reduced motor and the spacer are to be checked before or after the flight as in F.1.3.2.

This possibility is already used by all F1D participants for training at World Championships in order to make more test flights during training days.
This reduced motor gives the opportunity to run an FAI contest in one day if the number of participants is low and the flying area large enough (hand-ball gym)
Opportunity to fly FAI events in low ceiling where steering may be done by fishing poles.
The idea is to have many open international events in order to stimulate F1D activity, and later on start an F1D World CUP

World Cup Rules France proposal

Add classes F1D and F1D Junior to World Cup.

An indoor free flight world cup could revitalise the category. Not only will the competitors have more occasions to train but they could also challenge foreign flyers. Moreover, it will allow national competitors (not flying in the national team) to take part in an international event and ranking.

For instance in France, only half of the F1D flyers take part in the world championships. Such a proposition could motivate them to compete on a worldwide scale.

FFSC proposal from 2020

Increase bonus points for top 3 places Change Annex1.4 ( c) and (e ):
c) The number of points awarded is 500 for the winner and linearly decreases to zero for the highest place competitor receiving no points. For the competitor in place P This is expressed by:
points = 500 * [ 1 - (P-1)/H ]
The points calculated are rounded up to the nearest whole number of points. Additional points are awarded for the top three places subject to the requirement (b) to be in the top half of the results. Place 1 receives 75 extra points, place 2 receives 50 points and place 3 receives 25 points.
e) Each competitor awarded placing points is also eligible for one bonus point for each competitor they have beaten in the competition. The number of people beaten by someone in place P is (N-P).

The new scoring system introduced evenly graduated points from first place down to half way down the results. In a large competition this results in only a few points difference between the top places. The proposal makes a clearer reward for people placing on the podium of any event.

FFSC proposal

Tidy up handling of competitors with no flight time recorded in round 1.
Modify item (a) and (e) as shown below, with( e) subject to possible change by proposal above.
a) The only competitors considered for the calculation of World Cup points are those who have recorded a time on at least one official flight during the competition. The number of these competitors is denoted by N and the place of an individual in this list is denoted by P.
e) Each competitor awarded placing points is also eligible for one bonus point for each competitor they have beaten in the competition, but counting only the competitors with a flight time in round one of the competition. The number of people beaten by someone in place P is (N-P). (The winner is awarded an additional 25% bonus points, that is he receives 1.25*(N-P) points, rounded up to the nearest whole number of points).

Originally a limitation was introduced to calculate bonus points counting only the competitors who had flown in the first round. This was to prevent any additional bonus points being accrued if extra competitors were introduced during the competition. The rules were later simplified to count only the competitors who had flown in the first round for the basic points as well as the bonus points.
Using this current system can be considered to penalise competitors who had made no flight in the first round compared to those with a zero score later in the competition. It is proposed to return to the consideration of the score in the first round only for the award of bonus points.

Timing proposal from France

The description by France is as follows, but it is certainly not clear if self-timing actually means timing you own flights or just timing by other competitors:
This proposal suggests to formalize and frame the self-timing already widely practiced in international competitions counting for the World Cup.
Add to Annex 2:
The organizers of international competitions counting for the World Cup may use self-timing under the following conditions:
- the timing mode must be announced on the entry form.
- the organizer must provide an official supervisor for four poles.
- the organizer will respect the general rules of organization in the articles above.
Role and power of the supervisor
- The identifiable supervisor must be present at the start line at all times.
- its mission will be to supervise the proper conduct of the self-timing of its four poles.
- he can time the competitor of his choice unexpectedly and control false starts.
- he will have the same powers as the timekeeper cited in the above article

Today the majority of international competition organizers can no longer mobilize a sufficient number of timekeepers; they resort to this type of timekeeping. But there is too much disparity between each competition and it would be good to standardize the practices.
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 18 Apr 2021 18:12    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

From FFn (via SEN)
A Bureau meeting was held on April 3. This discussed the status of 2021 Championships, the World Cup and preparations for the 2021 Plenary meeting and associated meetings which are to be held during the next month.

The 2021 Championships have different decision dates for determining whether they go ahead or not. All events considered so far have been cancelled or postponed. The decision dates for free flight events are May 15 for F1ABC Senior and F1ABP Junior World Championships in France, June 1 for F1E World Championship in Romania and September 1 for F1D Indoor World Champs in Romania in December.
The meeting requested that plans be drawn up for the alternatives which will be adopted in the event of a championship being postponed from 2021. (možni scenariji, če bodo prvenstva 2021 prestavljena) The Free Flight Subcommittee have considered this for the free flight events and unanimously propose the following:
After losing events in 2020 and 2021 it is logical to return to the traditional Free flight schedule which places the F1ABC and F1E World Championships in odd year and the Junior F1ABP and Indoor World Championships in even years.

1. the F1ABC World Championship in France would be delayed from 2021 to 2023. This does not disturb the planned 2022 F1ABC European Championship in North Macedonia. The bids submitted for 2023 WorldChampionships(from Romania and Mongolia) could be transferred to 2025 or left for consideration at a future Plenary, depending on whether a decision is known by the time of the 2021 Plenary meeting.

2. For the F1ABP junior events, the 2022 World Championship is awarded to Bulgaria and this should stand. To follow the link with F1ABC in France a2023 F1ABC World Championship in France could be linked with the 2023 F1ABP Junior European championship. This world/junior European link would be the same as originally awarded to France for 2021. The bids submitted for 2023 (from Romania and Russia) could be transferred to 2025 or left for consideration at a future Plenary.
3. For F1E and F1D the only bids and accepted events are all hosted by Romania, with the possibility that the 2021 Indoor World Championships (postponed from 2020) will be able to be held as planned in December 2021. Whatever happens with that one, itis simple then to identify the 2022 events as World or European Championships according to the standard schedule for odd and even years.

World Cup
Initially the start of the 2021 World Cup had been postponed to March 1. At the February Bureau meeting the decision had been taken to delay it further to May 10. At this meeting I (Ian Kaynes) proposed that in view of the present Covid-19 situation and international travel problems for many countries the start should be put back to July 1. Bruno Dolors said that it was important to start on May 10 without further delay regardless of the difficulties. This view received no support from the Bureau and so the start of the 2021 World Cup is now delayed to July 1. This will be reviewed next month at Bureau and Plenary meetings. It is possible that if a further delay is required the remainder of 2021 could be combined with 2022 for single extended World Cup. Some other categories, with fewer autumn events than F1, are already considering the viability of their 2021 World Cups.

Free Flight Technical Meeting
This will be held on April 17. The proposals to be considered were listed in January FFn except that a proposal from the Free Flight Subcommittee carried over from 2020 was not included. This is a proposal to clarify the need to announce if timekeepers will not be provided at an Open International:

F1.1.2 Provision of Timekeepers
Add a new sentence to F1.1.2 a) as follows:
a) In Free Flight events, provide each starting position with two time keepers in Championships. At Open Internationals each starting position should be provided with at least one timekeeper, but if the organisers are unable to provide official timekeepers they must announce this in advance in a bulletin. For fly-offs an additional timekeeper must be provided (i.e. three for Championships, at least two for other contests). All time keepers must have binoculars. Each starting position must be equipped with at least one tripod for supporting binoculars.
Reason: This emphasises that organisers should provide at least one time keeper at each starting position. However, some competition organisers do not manage to meet this basic need and it is important that competitors know in advance if there will be no official timekeepers. They can then make a decision in advance of whether to attend the event.
The subcommittee has considered the proposal (j) from France using the term “self-timing”. Apparently that proposal is not intended to apply to competitors timing their own flights, but it was recognised that the Sporting Code does not actually state that they cannot time their own flights. It will be suggested to the Technical Meeting that this timekeeping clarification proposal be extended to cover this additional clarification:
Change item F1.2.1.(b) to read “Competitors may act as timekeepers for flights of other competitors.
Reason: To confirm the currently accepted situation that competitors can never be timekeeper for their own flights.

CIAM procedures require that the Subcommittee should vote on the proposals before the Free Flight Technical Meeting and these votes are used as one input to the discussions at the Technical meeting and the Plenary meeting.

The following gives the votes by the subcommittee.
The above timekeeping clarification and the addition to it were supported unanimously by the subcommittee. Votes on the other proposals in the order used in the January FFn are:

F1A launching 5 for, 10 against
F1B flyoff 11 for, 2 against
F1C characteristics for juniors 2 for, 8 against
F1C instead of F1P at Junior Champs 2 for, 8 against
F1D half-motors 7 for, 1 against
World Cup – add F1D and F1D Junior unanimous support
World Cup – bonus top 3 places unanimous support
World Cup – first flight unanimous support

Championships Bids
2022 events
The 2022 World Championships were awarded last year:
F1ABP Junior World Champs Bulgaria
F1D World Champs Romania
Continental Championships for 2022 have a single bid for each, with the award to be confirmed at the 2021 Plenary meeting:
F1ABC Euro Champs North Macedonia
F1E Euro Champs Romania
F1ABC Asia-Oceanic Champs Mongolia
2023 events
The offers for 2023 will be considered at the Plenary meeting in May. The current status for free flight events are:
F1ABC World Champs bids from Romania and Mongolia
F1E World Champs bid from Romania
F1ABP Junior Euro Champs bids from Russia and Romania
F1D Euro Champs bid from Romania
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