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EP / ECh 2016, Memorial Djordje Žigić 2016
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 23 Avg 2016 07:24    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Modelarski klub bratov Rusjan je objavil nekaj fotk s sprejema v čast svojemu članu, Evropskemu prvaku Rolandu Koglotu.
Brothers Rusjan modellers club published some photos from reception in honor of their member, European championRoland Koglot.

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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 24 Avg 2016 07:38    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Če to ni naš Roland...

Foto: Aeroklub Ohrid

Foto: Mirko Dom Peselj

Tudi na teh 'ohridskih' se skrivajo naši...

'One way ticket to the Moooooon...'
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 26 Avg 2016 06:24    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

From SEN 2177

My personal opinion about the FAI 2016 Free Fight European Championships

From: Ismet Yurtseven

My personal opinion about the FAI 2016 Free Fight European Championships are following. Rating is between 1 and 10. 1 is the lowest, 10 is the highest note.

Region and Zrenjanin: 9 Zrenjanin and Novi Sad were beautiful and restful.
Hotel Vojvodina: 8 Rooms were comfortable and clean. Desk clerks were polite and helpful. Location was very good. It was a nice meeting point.

Food: 8 Food was good; service was very slow.
Web site: 6 Enough functionality but not modern and rich.
Registration: 7 Easy and fast, thank you for the gift but the quality was not high.
Processing: 7 Generally it was good. The official scale was not in parallel to the ground and the calibration weight was 500 grams which is too much for free flight. (We are trying to weigh 0.1 grams)

Field: 3 This was the most surprising part for me. The field seems to be huge but the usable area was very small. Even more, there was not space to change the starting line. One side was very high corn, one side was big water channel without bridges, one side was wet area, one side was bog. There were power lines very close to the starting lines. Many models landed in corn and bog. Some models hit to the power lines. I believe that the field conditions affected the results.
Car parking organization: 2 There was not a well-organized parking place and there was not assigned people for the organization of the car parking.

Organization of starting positions: 5 The poles were very close to each other. There was not enough space to change the starting line. There was a very limited space for F1A fliers. There should be two lines at the right and left of the starting line where the access is restricted (between the right and left lines, there can be only time keeper, jury, flier to start and team manager).

Announcements: 3 There was not a powerful announcement system. The power for the horn to open and close the rounds were supplied from the car in the field (horn connected to the accumulator of the car). The third round of F1B closed 2 minutes later. Generally, it was primitive.

Time keeping: 7 Generally, it was good but I observed some major mistakes.
Announcement of the results: 4 Like an ordinary world cup contest, the results were printed on a small piece of paper. Maybe, functionally it is being enough, but it was European Championships.

Politeness of president of the jury: 1 When my model hit to the power lines, in a very polite way, I asked to the president of jury for a re-flight chance. In a very impolite and haughty way, he said me "if you don't know the rules, why you are competing in this competition". I know the rules, but in which part of the rules it is written that there will be power lines which is very close to the starting line?

Pro-activity of the organization to prevent vital risks: 1 Especially for the old people, there were many risky situations. There was a big water channel. I did not see bridges on it. The bog was big and dangerous. Corn was very high and big. Model retrieval was very difficult from the bog and corn. One F1C model hit to the power lines and detonated. But the most dangerous was the following: In the fourth round of the F1B competition, a very strong front and storm came. It was around 1 pm. The storm and the rain were very strong. There was lightning very near to the people in the field. Weather forecast websites were indicating this situation exactly for the correct time. Since the probability of this event was very high, the organizer should be in contact with the local metrological institutions, should stop the competition after third round and let the people to leave from the field. We are lucky that we did not meet with a catastrophic situation.

Opening and closing ceremonies: 5
My overall rating: 4

Respectfully yours,
Ismet Yurtseven
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 29 Avg 2016 06:34    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Tone se je na EP srečal z nekaj starimi prijatelji še iz časa 'YU ekipe'.

Od leve proti desni: Dušan Varda, Tone Videnšek, Milan Pavlov, Mirko Karanović.
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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 30 Avg 2016 11:28    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Poročilo avstrijske ekipe z obeh tekmovanj
Austrian team report from both competitions

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Pridružen/-a: 27.08. 2009, 09:42
Prispevkov: 2

PrispevekObjavljeno: 02 Sep 2016 20:09    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Rad bi se zahvalil Vsem, ki ste mi tako ali drugače pomagali na poti do naslova. Bilo Vas je veliko, a vseeno čutim, da moram nekatere izpostaviti:

Lekija, ki je moj zmagovalni model filigramsko dokončal, mu dal dušo in ga tako dvignil na stopnico višje od ostalih...

Damjana, ki je bil v pravem trenutku na pravem mestu...

Ramira, ki me je ves čas bodril, tudi ko sem sam bil že odločen, da zaradi bolečin v hrbtu odpovem nastop. Brez njegove nesebične pomoči na terenu, se iz Zrenjanina sigurno ne bi vrnil z takimi rezultati.

Celotni naši Ekipi, ki je pomagala pri vračanju modelov.

Bogdanu, ki se je ves čas trudil da bi bili Vsi čim bolje informirani.

Na koncu se moram zahvaliti tudi mojim Ženskam... Hvala, ker ste me vedno bodrile. Vem, da Vam velikokrat ni bilo lahko... Brez Vas, mi ne bi nikoli uspelo.

Najlepša hvala tudi Vsem ki ste me presenetili in me tako nepozabno sprejeli v Šempetru...

Še enkrat hvala Vsem za čestitke...
Lep pozdrav,
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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 21:31
Prispevkov: 978

PrispevekObjavljeno: 09 Feb 2017 20:29    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

V 5. št. revije TIM je bilo objavljeno poročilo oz. reportaža z Evropskega prvenstva 2017 v Srbiji. uredništvu revije TIM se iskreno zahvaljujem za dovoljenje, da reportažo iz revije TIM lahko objavimo tudi na BMS.

Povezavo na prispevek najdete tule:

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Pridružen/-a: 22.10. 2008, 06:32
Prispevkov: 4330

PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Feb 2017 11:12    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Lepo in strokovno napisano, Damjan!
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